Austin Antenna METROPOLITAN-MOBILE - The METROPOLITAN is a Tri-band and Quad-band mobile adaptation of the SUBURBAN antenna that covers 144, 220 and 440 MHz (1.2 GHz) with great performance on all bands. The antenna operates as a quarter wave radiator on each band and as such, requires a ground plane for proper operation.
No tuning is required, as the antenna simply screws onto a low profile [Motorola/THE NMO style] mount.
You do not need a PayPal account to order using PayPal. All Credit/Debit Cards accepted.
Please call for Assistance, Support or Special Pricing! Main - 781 294-4992 2-5 EST M-F
Please call for assistance, support or special pricing. Pages for this product line are constantly b..
Austin METROPOLITAN - 201000 144/220/440 MHz Tri-Band Amateur Multiband NMO Antenna
Metropolitan multiband antenna by Austin Antenna ..
Austin METROPOLITAN - 201010 144/220/440/1200 MHz Quad-Band Amateur Multiband NMO Antenna
Metropolitan multiband antenna by Austin Antenna ..